Town Wide Incentives
Water & Sewer Connection Incentive - stimulus payment up to $2,500.00 for new or expanding business that create a minimum of three (3) permanent full-time jobs within six months of water/sewer service cut-on.
Building Permit Incentive - stimulus payment of building permit fees up to $5,000.00 for new or expanding businesses that invest a minimum of $500,000.00 in land, buildings or equipment
Business License Tax Incentive - stimulus payment of business license tax up to $15,000.00 in total, for new or expanding businesses that create a minimum of three (3) permanent full-time jobs within six months of water/sewer service cut-on.
Real Estate, Business & Personal Property Taxes Incentive - stimulus payment of real estate and personal property taxes for new or expanding businesses. The amount is dependent on the cost of facility construction/expansion.
Historic Structure Incentive - economic stimulus grant for renovation of a building designated as historic by the federal government or the Commonwealth of Virginia or located in a federal or state recognized historic district within the Town of South Hill. Requires h a minimum investment of $250,000.00 OR the creation of the equivalent of two (2) full-time jobs.
Façade Improvement Grant Program - a collaborative effort between the Town and property owners/occupants to improve the attractiveness of our town. Matching funds are available to assist building owners and occupants as a dollar for dollar reimbursement for qualifying expenditures with a maximum match of $5,000.00 per building.
Downtown Zone Incentives
Water & Sewer Connection Incentive - stimulus payment up to $2,500.00 for new or expanding business with $10,000 private investments (building and land) or remodeling.
Building Permit Incentive - stimulus payment of building permit fees for new or expanding businesses that invest a minimum of $10,000.00 in land, buildings or equipment. The amount is dependent on the cost of facility construction/expansion.
Real Estate, Business & Personal Property Taxes Incentive - stimulus payment of real estate and personal property taxes for new or expanding businesses. The amount is dependent on the cost of facility construction/expansion.
Building Up-fit Grant Program - assists property owners and businesses with improvements, renovations, and/or additions to their interior spaces. Grant amounts are up to $10,000.00 inside the designated downtown area and requires a 1:1 match by the tenant or property owner.
Business Incubation Grant - assists start-up businesses occupying commercial, industrial, and mixed-use properties within the Downtown Zone with rental or mortgage costs for the first full year of operation. Grants will be the lesser of $5,000.00 per business for the first full year of operation and 20% of the rent or mortgage paid by the business.
Business Utility and Services Grant - assists new start-up businesses occupying commercial, industrial, and mixed-use properties within the defined Downtown Zone with water, sewer, and trash pickup costs for the first full year of operation. Grants will not exceed $1,500.00 per business for the first full year of operation.